The Wilderness…

Man stands in the wilderness of life, surrounded by many dangers, some known, and some unknown. Instinctively, he knows if he stays in one spot too long, the wilderness would consume him. He is compelled to move, but fear of the unknown grips him tightly, like the iron jaws of the ever lurking mountain lion. Staying in one spot would be the easier thing to do… it would be so comfortable. But innately, there is an adventurous side, a side that screams with the ever prodding eagerness to explore the freedom that awaits him. What lies beyond his camp of monotony, he wonders. Oh, does he wonder…

Such is life, if we do not take a step of faith into the unknown. Discoveries are made by those who dare to discover and so without risk, there can be no reward. Regrets are the dungeons of despair, where we are left to ourselves to ponder the what-ifs, the could haves, should haves, and would haves until the end of our days. Like torrential rains these empty thoughts fill our minds, expanding the voids of nothingness.

In life, the easy road is most often taken, as man seeks to satisfy himself. Afraid to take a step out of his camp, afraid to risk it all, afraid of what he may find. And so we sit and wait, doing whatever we can to slow the inevitable decay that plagues us, by eating, drinking, sleeping, and being merry. All the while we keep telling ourselves that this is all that life has to offer. We come up with the most elaborate excuses of why we cannot take the step into the unknown, just so that we can feel better that what we are currently doing is sufficient, trying to fool ourselves into feeling satisfied. Trying…

But there is a void. This ever nagging void that no matter what we do to fill this seemingly bottomless pit, it consumes everything and leaves us feeling even more empty then we were prior to all the work, sweat, and tears that went into trying to fill the void up in the first place. Is this it to this life? Is this all there is? This insane, never ending tiresome race of going nowhere, like the hamster in the wheel? Or is there something more? Is there something beyond this camp, beyond the wilderness?

Inside of every man is a desire, a desire to be great. A desire to leave our footprints in the sand for others to follow, a desire to have our own chapter written in the story of life, that others may read of our legacy and be inspired. Inside every man is a desire to be adventurous, to discover, with this hopes that one day, we can fill this insatiable void in our hearts, the void that was there from our earliest memory, and that remains still today. But that would mean leaving all that we are comfortable with, all that we know, who we are…. for the hopes of discovering something greater then us, something great in us, something that make us feel more alive, and more free then ever before (knowing that we were never really free in the first place). There is something out there, calling to us, relentlessly calling…or rather someone.

Ironically, when we step out of our camp, and into the unknown, fear subsides as it is overcome by excitement and wonder! Beyond the trees are rivers, valleys, mountains, rolling hills, a gentle breeze, the warmth of the sun, and life all around us. The new sights, sounds, smells, and sensations are almost more then we can bear. Feelings and thoughts run like wild mustangs in the vastness of our minds. The world seems to grow instantaneously, and never ceases to grow as the imagination flows; influenced by the unimaginable experiences we just had and are still having. Hopes and dreams become a possibility! With each step, our courage grows and our faith thickens. The body is inspired within to express itself in full animation. The free spirited youth that was previously bound within our mind is finally set free in the body. The chains that once bound us fall to the ground, and life… has purpose. We are born into the captivity of sin, but the love of Christ sets us free. Experience freedom and discover your purpose by knowing Christ, the one who gave up His life, so that you may know the meaning of yours, and live it to its fullest… a joy that is unsurpassed.  Now, let us take that first step, out of our camp and into wilderness…

“The men whom I have seen succeed best in life have always been cheerful and hopeful men, who went about their business with a smile on their faces, and took the changes and chances of this mortal life like men, facing rough and smooth alike as it came.” – Charles Kingsley

2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


Ignorance is bliss…

Ignorance is bliss; the premise by which many live. It is the contemplation of the fact that, if there be truth beyond what we consider to be firm knowledge, such knowledge could dare to remove us from the comfortableness of life as we perceive it. In regards to our own being, the cavern of self knowledge that is within us seems dreadfully deep, of which if pursued, could lead us to relentless questions, doubts, and fears about ourselves that we have not the courage to face. These thoughts cross our minds and eclipse from us the fact that, deep within the cavern, lie treasures of beautiful truths about who we really are… who we were made to be. And so, we fearfully sit at the entrance, lost in a daze as we watch the heavenly stars flicker and fade in the night sky. If there is no determination to embark upon this journey of self discovery, then there can be no magnificent revelation. If there is no desire to overcome our questions, doubts, and fears, then there can be no glorious victory over them. Succumbing to the fear of the unknown, means you will never know. Those who do not press on into the depths, hold tightly to the thoughts of hopelessness inside, and because so, they hold even tighter to the ordinarily routine and dull life lived out as these destructive thoughts slowly decay every ounce of happiness that can be found within. Like the eroding of the river bank, their temporary happiness cannot stand forever for it is build upon the foundations of false truths about themselves, and the world around them. Much like a river bank, we realize the problem of erosion only after we have lost too much ground, and so we collapse to our knees in exhaustion due to the weight of questions such as, “how did I not notice this decay? And how can I possibly build up this solid foundation again?”

With this I dare ask, “what is a life lived without the daring pursuit of knowledge, of truth, and of faith?” I would argue that ignorance is not bliss. Rather, ignorance is the choking fog that envelopes our senses and clouds our vision and judgment, giving us no clear direction to place our hopes upon. Because of this, we are then gullibly susceptible to the deceit and illusions of the world and of those who serve it.

So what is the point of this incessant rambling? Simply that we are more than the lies that we have been fed, about us, and the world around us. The truth is, we are much like that of diamond in the rough, who is in desperate need of the Master Crafter to shape us into that which we were meant to be, so that our extraordinary characteristics and virtues may illuminate this darkened place, as we are made in the image of God. When this occurs, the beauty that was once hidden within comes to the surface, catching every ray of light while reflecting it back to the world in an array of color for all to see.

How can this be possible? By allowing God to work within you, to become that which He made you to be… a beautiful creation and picture of all that is good in Him.

2 Corinthians 5:17-21 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.  We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”


The Missing Piece

The longer I live, the clearer it becomes, the fact that all of humanity is in a constant search to be made complete, to be made whole. But to be made whole with what exactly, or with who? Are there many pieces that can fit, to make complete the puzzle of life? Or is there just one ultimate piece? In the short time I have been allowed to live, observe, and experience this life for myself, the answer has become undeniably clear. The blinding scales of my eyes have fallen, and the answer has been revealed, from the wondrous creation all around, to the inner most working of ones heart. All of life is on the move, just as the blood flows, never ceasing to rest until the day of reconciliation beckons. The creation itself grudgingly reacts to the changes in seasons. In the barren winter, the bitter cold lays to slumber the hopes of a long surpassing warmth. But in the spring, the ice and snow gives way once again, to the heat of the suns fiery rays, and all of life rejoices. Could it be that this universal longing is the unavoidable pursuit to fill a void within all of us? A void that was imputed within all of creation due to an act of willful separation from an ultimate love, which produced a hurt like no other, that tore a hole in all of us. Such an act could be the only reason of the yearning, and brokenness that remains. Oh, to experience such a glorious thing, a perfect love, and then walk away, only to realize that nothing, and no one, could ever fill that void again. Our walk has lead us far astray, so much so, that we have forgotten what that kind of love looks like, and have lost hope of ever regaining it for ourselves again. And so, we tirelessly pursue cheap solutions and shallow replacements… such as a subtle laugh, a gentle hug, a kind word. Good as these things can be though, they inevitably fade away, falling short of ultimate love. For they were only given to us to offer us a taste of what it is we are truly missing, and then taken away so that we do not get too attached as we are so often prone to do.  Some though, unfortunately, choose to wander farther off the path, and fall into thee abyss of self destruction. Nonetheless, we should be so very thankful, for He is calling us still. Calling out our name, to come back into His arms. He has never stopped calling us. Calling us home. So that we may experience the fullness of His unwavering and everlasting love. A love like no other, one of which has overcome the whip, the thorns, the floggings, and the spikes that this life can drive through the very heart of man. A love that has conquered death and that is so strong, it has pulled us up from the pit of eternal despair. If we would but look up to see, the strength in His out stretched arm. If we would but open our ears, that we may hear all of creation is crying out His glorious name. We would but realize that we too, have been crying out His name all along. For the one who created the void, is seeking for us to choose for Him to fill it, for love must be a willful choice. As we have chosen to walk away from our loving Father, we must choose to come back to Him. The Lord our God, has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to lead us home. He has passed through the abyss, and hiked through the wilderness to find us. To find you. He is ready to lead you home.

Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.  – Psalm 96:11

And Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6

They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved; you and your household.” – Acts 16:31

And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. – Revelation 21:4

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7



Hope – The fading wilderness. The elusive dream. A distant shelter in a fast approaching storm.

Hope – Wishful thinking. A beautiful notion. The black hole of life.

How have we come to this, to reduce hope nothing more then fairy-tales inked within the pages of our history? Or something worse. At least in the fairy-tales, small flames could potentially burst forth from the simmering coals beneath the surface of our doubts. These flames could grow and spread like wild fire, if we remove the bounds by which it’s contained… unless we snuff it out all together by the means of our bucket filled with ice cold realism.

In our current society, the latter seems to be the case, as we have no need, room, or time for hope. Why? May I suggest that it is because hope has failed us more times then we would care to reflect upon, again? After all, when we turn on the news in the morning, or when we step out of our homes, or when we arrive at work, we are completely saturated by the negativity experienced through every sensation available. And so, the tiresome march of life relentlessly drudges on. Did we feel this way as a small child? Was it always like this? I dare say that it was not. I dare say that something changed. I dare say, we are what has changed, and not the world. For life has always been unfair, cruel, broken, and full of sin and destruction. The elements of our surroundings alone inescapably wear on ones fragile body. As a child, our minds are boundless, free from these facts. And as we grow older, as we experience life, we begin to form within ourselves the rules for living and understanding that we will ultimately be bound by, thereby creating our own prison. The result is that we place no faith, in hope.

What is the solution to freeing our minds from this prison, from this place of slow decay and depravity to which the prince of the world has led us? As stated previously, the problem two fold.

This first issue is that we have lost our childlike sense of awe and wonder of the world and the possibilities within. Somewhere along this path of growing up, we correlated growing up with having to let go of this sense of the world as a part of the process of change, and so that we would fit in and look like others around us. We became fearful and worrisome in the process. Therefore we became structured and systematic. We became, ironically, what we feared the most as a child. No longer were we an individual, special, or unique. We were, we are, no one in particular… only a somebody.

The second issue is that we place our hopes in the people and things of this world that are fickle, frail, and fallible. Such things will more certainly, as the scars of life have proven, let us down without a single care or concern. Life hits us as hard as professional boxer in an amateur fight. With each crushing blow, our hope bleeds out from our wounds. We feverishly race to patch each wound but the next round of flurries one opens up fresh ones. Puddles of failure surround our feet, as we feel our arms lowering from becoming heavy and weak for they have soaked up most of the blows in life. The battle is a losing one.

Or is it? We have lost our hope, frankly, because our hope rested in the things and people of this world, as well as because we have lost our passion for a simplistic and majestic life as we once so blessedly experienced while just a mere child. The good news is that our child like faith and limitless magnificence of character, as well as our hope for all possible blessings, miracles, and fairytale endings can be restored! It all starts with the renewing of the mind, such as developing one as fresh as that of a child who dreams of being the hero or the princess within the grand story, where the marvelous possibilities are infinite. This then, is followed with placing our hope in the one who is hope and who is the real Hero of the grand story called life. The one who gave us life, who created us with purpose, who made us special, and who is perfection in every way that is pure, holy, and good. The one who is love and so He exemplifies love to the maximum degree. He created us in His image, with the potential for us to express all of His glorious virtues, that we may manifest His Son for the world to regain, and renew its hope in Him. For He is unwavering, unchanging, constant, capable, and beautiful even beyond our comprehension. He is our candle in the dark. He is where our hope should lie, for He who is good, and who created us for good, has only good in store for us… His children. If we would but simply open ourselves up to receiving Him, placing our hope in Him, and open our minds up to all of the awe-inspiring ways in which our omnipotent God desires to exalt His name, we could ourselves become part of His never ending story, which is a greater role then we could have ever hoped to have written for ourselves.

What kind of a legacy will YOU leave behind? One of hope, and life that shows it? Or one of despair? There is so much more to life than what we see, and that EVERY choice we make, makes a difference. It all starts with a choice… a choice to hope for something more.

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

1 Corinthians 15:19 – If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
