Ignorance is bliss…

Ignorance is bliss; the premise by which many live. It is the contemplation of the fact that, if there be truth beyond what we consider to be firm knowledge, such knowledge could dare to remove us from the comfortableness of life as we perceive it. In regards to our own being, the cavern of self knowledge that is within us seems dreadfully deep, of which if pursued, could lead us to relentless questions, doubts, and fears about ourselves that we have not the courage to face. These thoughts cross our minds and eclipse from us the fact that, deep within the cavern, lie treasures of beautiful truths about who we really are… who we were made to be. And so, we fearfully sit at the entrance, lost in a daze as we watch the heavenly stars flicker and fade in the night sky. If there is no determination to embark upon this journey of self discovery, then there can be no magnificent revelation. If there is no desire to overcome our questions, doubts, and fears, then there can be no glorious victory over them. Succumbing to the fear of the unknown, means you will never know. Those who do not press on into the depths, hold tightly to the thoughts of hopelessness inside, and because so, they hold even tighter to the ordinarily routine and dull life lived out as these destructive thoughts slowly decay every ounce of happiness that can be found within. Like the eroding of the river bank, their temporary happiness cannot stand forever for it is build upon the foundations of false truths about themselves, and the world around them. Much like a river bank, we realize the problem of erosion only after we have lost too much ground, and so we collapse to our knees in exhaustion due to the weight of questions such as, “how did I not notice this decay? And how can I possibly build up this solid foundation again?”

With this I dare ask, “what is a life lived without the daring pursuit of knowledge, of truth, and of faith?” I would argue that ignorance is not bliss. Rather, ignorance is the choking fog that envelopes our senses and clouds our vision and judgment, giving us no clear direction to place our hopes upon. Because of this, we are then gullibly susceptible to the deceit and illusions of the world and of those who serve it.

So what is the point of this incessant rambling? Simply that we are more than the lies that we have been fed, about us, and the world around us. The truth is, we are much like that of diamond in the rough, who is in desperate need of the Master Crafter to shape us into that which we were meant to be, so that our extraordinary characteristics and virtues may illuminate this darkened place, as we are made in the image of God. When this occurs, the beauty that was once hidden within comes to the surface, catching every ray of light while reflecting it back to the world in an array of color for all to see.

How can this be possible? By allowing God to work within you, to become that which He made you to be… a beautiful creation and picture of all that is good in Him.

2 Corinthians 5:17-21 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.  We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”


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